With P2S; you will be able to easily perform functions such as tracking your Purchase Request, Purchase Proposals, Purchase Order (PO) processes in Supply Chain Management Package and tracking your Sales Opportunities (SO), Sales Proposals (SP) and Sales Orders (SO) in Sales Management Package, as well as purchase proposal comparison, classifying your customers and suppliers, supplier evaluation, and viewing the records of your past offers and orders.
P2S can be divided into 2 basic packages.
SCM > P2S: Procurement package for horiztontal and vertical markets (i.e. Telecom & IT, Projec-based working industries Construction, Renewable Energy, etc and Logistic / Transportation companies
SM > P2S: CRM and Sales Manegement package for comanies using P2S SCM (after procurement add price and payment options and sell the products and services bought via P2s)
What is P2S?
P2S is an abbreviation of Procurement-To-Sale and it means Supply-To-Sale (Tedarikten-Satışa).
P2S; It is one of the high added value YSM Software products that can work in 7 different (Turkish, English, German, French, Russian, Arabic and Azerbaijani) languages that it offers to companies all over the world, especially our country.
Let’s check P2S in details.
P of P2S: The letter P is the initial of the word Procurement/Purchase.
In P2S, There are Demand/Request, Proposal, Proposal Creation and Purchase Order functions under the Purchasing/Supply Management heading.
With P2S, it enables the online management of all procurement processes, including the conversion of incoming requests to subcontractors and/or suppliers by converting incoming buying requests into purchasing proposal letters, and the evaluation of offers from them and converting them into purchase orders and contracts according to selection criteria.
2 of P2S: In P2S, the word “to”, which is the suffix “den, e” in English, was used in abbreviations, inspired by the habit of using it like the word “two = 2”.
S of P2S: The letter S is the initial of the word Sale.
P2S likewise allows you to follow up the sales opportunity, convert it into a sales offer and convert these offers into sales orders and sales contracts online after they are accepted by the customer.
YSM, as a company with the vision of producing domestic and national software and selling products to the whole world, chooses its product names from short, easy-to-understand, international names.
Why P2S?
As the name suggests, P2S software is an end-to-end solution that includes all processes related to procurement/purchase and sales.
P2S not only saves time, but also increases productivity and facilitates purchasing and sales process management with multi-dimensional analysis, and also contributes to cost reduction and income/earnings increase with the effective use of personnel.
Purchasing (Procurement, Supply Chain) Manamagement part can be used separetly and integrated with CRM and Sales Management part as well. Companies, who usually starts with P part, continue with S part as well.
→ Traders, that is, those who buy and sell goods/services, will win and sell fast. They will be able to collect quick offers and sell fast. Those who do business without a contract will be able to secure themselves by doing contract work in every job.
→ Enterprises operating in the energy sector; With the increasing renewable energy trend, They will be able to carry out all purchasing and sales processes in this field. At the same time, it will prevent your possible legal problems by keeping the monitoring of national and international contracts and exceptional situations under control.
→ All companies with construction sites; They will be able to make site-based and exploration/budget-friendly purchases. Incorrect material purchase, shipment, out of budget, loss-leakage, etc. the problems will end.
→ Logistics companies will not miss the requests they receive, even if the number of trucks/trucks is not sufficient, They will not miss the job by collecting offers/proposals. Forwarder, Broker will manage his business comfortably even from mobile.
→ Enterprises operating in the manufacturing sector; They will carry out the purchasing transactions of the products they produce with minimum cost and the sales transactions with maximum profit.
P2S stands out with its many benefits such as purchasing personnel performance, sales personnel performance, management of opportunities and offers, and elimination of missing sales from lack of follow-up and density.
FREE TRYModules that will allow you to manage all your processes from Supply to Sales are in P2S!
- Current Account Definitions
- Stock Definitions
- HR Definitions
- Finance Definitions
- Income Definitions
- Expense Definitions
Procurement and Purchasing
- Supplier/Subcontractor Identification and Management
- Purchasing Wizard (Request>Proposal>Order)
- Purchasing Activities
- Consignment
- Stock Transaction Receipts
- Stock Reports
- Stock / MRP
- Stock Count
Contract Management
- Contract Management
- Contract Activity
- Contract Reports, Documents
CRM Sales
- Customer Identification and Management
- Sales Wizard (Opportunity>Offer>Order)
- CRM Sales Activity
- CRM Activity Management
- CRM Reports
- CRM Graphics
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